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Optimization Services

Complaint Mechanism

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Suggestions, complaints and objections and compliments received

Type Suggestions Complaints Objections Compliments Total
2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
SWB Services Staff - - - 16 18 19 - - - 14 26 20 30 44 39
1 - - - 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 0
Environment - - - - - 2 - - - - - - 0 0 2
13 25 27 15 14 22 - - - - - - 28 39 49
ONGs supervised by SWB Operation
of NGOs
5 4 2 19 41 33 - - - - - - 24 45 35
of NGOs
- - - 11 6 8 - - - - 2 - 11 8 8
Subtotal 19 29 29 61 81 84 0 0 0 14 28 20 94 138 133

Results of Case-handling

Most of the complaints received by SWB were related with the work attitude of its staff, followed by the procedures and formalities. As for complaints about the NGOs supervised by SWB, the majority of them were related to their operation. So far, SWB had adopted the following improvement measures:
  • Pertaining to the service quality of SWB
  1. In case to strengthen the internal and external communication, the SWB will state out which places are belonged to the Social Service Centre of each district in the SWB website.
  2. The SWB will publish more publicity materials related to the concession booklet of Senior Citizens Card, included posters and guides, also the electronic copies of the publicity materials will be provided to the application venues, in order to print out more if necessary.
  3. Increase the numbers of door signs at the Healthy Life Education Centre of the SWB.
  • Pertaining to the supervisory function of SWB
  1. Upon reception of a complaint, the SWB will immediately send its staff to investigate the case and hold meeting with the concerned NGO. If the complaint is substantiated in accordance with provisions of relevant law, it shall require the concerned NGO to handle the complaint instantly and come up with corrective measures. It will keep in view, on a periodic basis, the effectiveness of the adopted corrective measures.
  2. The SWB will investigate and follow-up on all identifiable as well as anonymous complaints. For the identifiable cases, the staff of SWB will contact the complainant to gain further understanding of the complaint. For anonymous cases, the staff of SWB shall visit the concerned NGO. If no violation of the law or misconduct of the NGO is detected during the visit, the complaint shall be dismissed as unsubstantiated and be filled.